MagnaWave PEMF for Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) in Dogs
Understanding Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is an age-related degenerative condition that affects dogs’ spines. Intervertebral discs lie between the vertebrae, providing cushion and allowing dogs to move freely, such as bending and turning. When these discs calcify or herniate, it’s referred to as IVDD.
How MagnaWave Can Help
MagnaWave PEMF can help your dog navigate the symptoms of IVDD by alleviating pain, reducing inflammation, and improving mobility. PEMF is a promising modality for the management of IVDD.
Symptoms of IVDD can include the inability to walk normally, failure to stand, arching back, and weakness in hind legs. If severe, the dog may exhibit hind-end paralysis.
Traditional Treatment Options
Traditional treatment options range from medical management to surgical intervention. In mild cases, treatment may include restricted activity, medication for pain management, and muscle relaxants. In more severe cases, surgery may be recommended. Surgical intervention may require rehabilitation, such as rest, human-aided assistance going to the bathroom, monitoring for pressure sores, and physical therapy. If surgical intervention is necessary, MagnaWave PEMF is a promising modality that could assist in recovery.
Identifying High-Risk Breeds for IVDD
IVDD is primarily seen in certain breeds with genetic predispositions, such as dachshunds, toy and miniature poodles, and beagles. Although particular breeds are most likely to be affected, IVDD can occur in any dog.
Don’t believe us? See for yourself!
“Beau’s family didn’t think they would ever see her walk again. She had stopped standing and walking and was diagnosed with Spondoloysis and IVDD. They purchased a wheelchair for her and that was what she was using daily for walks and getting around outside. Inside the house they had booties for her feet while she would drag her hind end around the house. They were ecstatic to see after one session she stood up for a few seconds.”
-Kristen Lawrence, Certified Practitioner
Give it a try!
If you believe your dog has IVDD, contact your veterinarian to see if MagnaWave PEMF could be a suitable option for your four-legged friend.