MagnaWave Sponsors Louisville’s Local Thoroughbreds at Second Stride
What is Second Stride?
Second Stride is a nonprofit organization in Louisville, Kentucky, dedicated to rehabilitating and rehoming retired racehorses. Its mission is to provide these horses a safe and nurturing environment while helping them transition to second and third careers. Since 2005, they have re-homed more than 1,500 thoroughbreds.
Partnership Perks
Both companies are Louisville natives and share the same goal: to help maintain the health and wellness of our equine companions.
Both companies are Louisville natives and share the same goal: to help maintain the health and wellness of our equine companions.
MagnaWave lounge
MagnaWave has a dedicated lounge in the main barn, with a couch and chairs, where visitors or potential adopters can relax in a cozy space. Additionally, the lounge offers snacks, drinks, and treats for the horses.
MagnaWave on-site
As part of the sponsorship, a MagnaWave Julian and Julian Duo and various attachments stay on-site at Second Stride. This arrangement ensures that those working directly with the horses can offer MagnaWave PEMF sessions, aiding the horse’s overall well-being as they prepare for adoption.
Hands-on training
MagnaWave hosts hands-on training for Certified Practitioners at Second Stride as part of the sponsorship. Certified Practitioners from all over the country come to Louisville, KY, to receive one-on-one guidance from our experts using the MagnaWave equipment. The training includes going to Second Stride, walking through multiple equine MagnaWave sessions, explaining what to look for, and answering practitioner questions. Hands-on training provides our practitioners real-world experience while offering the retired racehorses a beneficial MagnaWave PEMF session.
All horses listed on the Second Stride website are available for adoption! Find your next companion here.
Try MagnaWave for Your Horse!
MagnaWave isn’t just for racehorses! All equines deserve top care when it comes to their health and wellness. MagnaWave offers a non-invasive, drug-free solution to enhance their performance and well-being. Consider incorporating MagnaWave into your horse’s routine!