Practitioner Shelly McNamara of Ontario, Canada, began her career as a horse trainer and riding instructor, teaching adults and children to ride in the hunter ring. When searching for the perfect solution to her mare’s SI issues, she wanted to find something less invasive than injections and came across PEMF. She fell in love with it after seeing positive results in not only her horse, but herself as well. After doing some more research, she decided to purchase a machine with the intention of starting a side business, and after only a month it completely surpassed her expectations.

Using the Practitioner Map on the MagnaWave website and with the help of Holly N., exotic animal owners reached out to Shelly for a personal session. After getting to know each other, they asked if Shelly would be interested in addressing their exotic animals, a porcupine, a bear named Whopper, and their friends’ cheetahs, Annie and Robin. Shelly had never had experience with exotic animals before; however, she was eager to help animals in any way she could.
After a lot of planning and discussion on the safest way to help these exotic animals, Shelly began her sessions on Whopper. She explained, “Whopper will always be a no touch bear! He doesn’t like being touched”. According to Shelly, even Whopper’s owner, who has had him since he was 3 years old, cannot touch him. While he may not like to be touched, he is quite comfortable around her during their MagnaWave sessions and is not at all bothered by the use of the large loop, which they have attached to a stick for safety measures. They also created a bear sized box to insert the MagEnergy Mat into so that Whopper can sit or lie down during his sessions.
Shelly says that whenever Whopper sees her setting up the workspace for the session, he immediately comes over on his own accord to stand on the box! He is able to leave the partially fenced workspace on his own but enjoys sitting and laying on the box and adjusting himself so that the PEMF targets the “good spots”, explained McNamara.
When Shelly first began giving sessions to Whopper, he had soreness and pain in his back and hind end and had difficulty when sitting, lying down and standing back up. After just 4 sessions the bear was able to sit up comfortably and wave for them! While his stride still has some room for improvement, Whopper’s owners say he seems much more comfortable already and clearly enjoys his MagnaWave sessions.

Through Whopper’s owners, Shelly was able to help to two older cheetahs named Annie and Robin for general wellness sessions. After getting them familiar with the machine, she was able to begin sessions on the highly sensitive animals. Cheetahs are prone to gastric issues, so Shelly introduced them to the MagEnergy Mat attachment. Both cheetahs settle onto the mat, which is placed under their crate liner, and lay down and purr.

McNamara says that one of the cheetahs, Annie, has something bothering her throat that her vets cannot yet pinpoint. They began doing specific work on Annie’s throat using the zoom paddle to help with her discomfort. Shelly says that Annie will lay her head in her trainer’s lap on top of the paddle and allow her to MagnaWave her throat for short periods of time. While she has only just begun using MagnaWave on the cheetahs and cannot see significant changes yet, they are pleased with how comfortable Annie and Robin are becoming with MagnaWave and are able to start increasing session time outside of the crates.
It is important to note that you should always work with your veterinarian to create a wellness plan. Shelly McNamara’s experiences with Whopper, Annie and Robin prove that the opportunities are limitless when you start your career with MagnaWave. One of our Product Specialists would be happy to help you find the perfect machine to fit your needs! Contact us today to get started.