What Is Anhidrosis?

Anhidrosis is a condition where a horse does not sweat, and it usually occurs in the summertime. When left unattended, it can lead to serious problems such as hyperthermia. Sweating is the body’s way to maintain thermoregulation and keep the internal temperature in check. When a horse loses the ability to sweat, it becomes challenging for owners to maintain the horse’s comfort, especially in hot and humid temperatures.

Causes of Anhidrosis

Anhidrosis occurs mostly during the summertime in hot, humid climates. The exact cause is not well-defined, but it is believed to be caused by overstimulation of the sweat glands by stress hormones during the hottest portion of the year. Some horses may stop sweating completely, while others may have reduced sweat or only sweat in certain locations of the body.

How MagnaWave PEMF Can Help

PEMF helps increase blood flow and oxygenation to the areas of concern to stimulate the sweat glands. The sweat glands are located all over a horse’s body, but riding horses tend to sweat more along the girth, saddle area, chest, and neck. PEMF can also induce a relaxing sensation, with some horses almost falling asleep during sessions.

Success Stories with MagnaWave PEMF

Wendy Cassidy, owner of Power Through You LLC, shares her successful experiences addressing a couple of horses with anhidrosis. She has years of experience and knowledge with MagnaWave to help both her human and four-legged clients alike.

Saga – Icelandic Pony, 23 Years Old

“The first one is Saga, an Icelandic Pony, 23 years old, who had quit sweating for quite some time. She started sweating a little bit after the first session, and after the second session, she was sweating like she should.” – Wendy Cassidy

Root Beer – Overcoming Anhidrosis

“He (Root Beer) had stopped sweating last summer and was basically in his stall with a giant fan (it looked like a propeller off an airplane) on him all day to help keep him cool. He started sweating after the second session and continued for the rest of the summer.” – Wendy Cassidy

Supporting Your Horse’s Recovery

MagnaWave works at the cellular level to help your horse recover from anhidrosis. Help your horse by scheduling a MagnaWave session and discussing a plan with your veterinarian. Electrolytes and other supplements may be needed to help your horse get back to normal sweating and maintain good health throughout the hot summer months.