ZigaForm version 7.4.9

Advanced Technology, Trusted Results.



How Much Can You Make As A MagnaWave Practitioner?

Not sure if it’s worth your investment? We have thousands of practitioners across the globe who would say otherwise. Use our Return on Investment (ROI) calculator to see how starting a MagnaWave business is doable for you.

ROI Calculator


Machine Cost: $
Monthly Exp X 12: $
Total Year 1 Cost: $
Monthly Revenue:$
Annual Revenue:$
Return on Investment:%

Try Before You Buy

As the leading provider of PEMF, MagnaWave’s – Try Before You Buy program offers customers the opportunity to experience the benefits of a brand-new MagnaWave machine before making a purchase!


MagnaWave has in-house financing and works with different financing companies to help you get a machine.

At MagnaWave, we believe wellness should be within everyone’s reach. That’s why we offer in-house financing with 6 & 12-month same-as-cash and long-term interest-bearing plans. For added convenience, we’ve partnered with Approve.com for third-party business financing, ensuring our innovative PEMF machines are as affordable as they are effective.

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MagnaWave Is On A Mission

Revolutionizing 10 million lives by 2035

Lives Changed


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